First, there was the wedding from Dana and Todd, who are my ex-colleague, Jason Winter's parents in law. They got married on Oct 16 after spending the past 14 years together. Congratulations ! BTW, who said the marriage is just the end of a fairy tale :-) At least not for Todd and Dana :-)
Although the event was sweet, fun and well planned. It was a bit challenging for me. The venue was quite dark with black ceiling. This made it very hard to bouncing lights off the ceiling simply because black absorbs everything. The only thing I could do was 1) cramp up ISO, 2) increase flash power, 3) more time on post processes. The second lesson was one camera body is just not enough for events such as wedding. Great moments can pop up anytime. Unless you use a travel lens like 18-200, it's hard to get wide and close at the same time. I brought my Nikon 24-70 and Nikon 70-200 (which are much much more superior than 18-200), but only one body D700. It was good at the beginning since I expected the things were happening, ceremony, group shot, etc. but when it hit dancing, throwing bouquet, etc. It was just terrible to switch lens... However, I was quite pleased with the outcome.

Secondly, there were 2 portrait sessions, both with my wife's friends, Julia and Lucy. Julia is pregnant, she and her husband would like to memorize the moments. The shoot was at Sunday afternoon around Julia's house at Morgan's Grant. The equipment includes Nikon D700, Nikon 70-200 VR1, SB800 and reflector.
The second portrait was with Lucy. It was taking place at my house. The equipment includes Nikon D700, Nikon 85mm 1.4, Nikon 70-200, SB800, SB600. The 85mm 1.4 is such a great lens. It gives photographers all the freedom to emphasize the point of view. It's just simply a magnificent lens!
Thanks for reading. The end.